Who Should Attend?

The “Asset Integrity Management Summit-AIMS2025” is relevant for a diverse range of professionals and stakeholders in various industries, particularly those involved in the management and maintenance of engineering assets. Potential attendees include:

  • Asset Managers
  • Maintenance and Reliability Engineers
  • Operations Managers.
  • Inspectors and Inspection Engineers
  • Design and Engineering Professionals
  • Safety and Risk Management Professionals
  • Information Technology Specialists
  • Financial Analysts
  • Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Experts
  • HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) Practitioners
  • Industry Leaders and Executives
  • Academics and Researchers
  • Consultants and Service Providers
  • Anyone Interested in Asset Integrity


This summit provides a platform for diverse professionals to exchange ideas, learn from best practices, and discuss strategies to enhance asset integrity and mitigate risks across various industries.

Focus Agenda

  • Asset life extension and identifying safety critical elements to manage major hazards
  • Improving asset integrity sustainability for long term results
  • RBI and corrosion management strategies in HPHT sour environment
  • Future of Asset Integrity 4.0: Digital Dependency
  • NDE for In-service Inspection,
  • Remote Inspection technique Material Selection & Corrosion Control
  • Plant Hazards and risk mitigation
  • Reliability Management

The Conference Will Be a Place For:

  • Discussion of emerging inspection and maintenance strategies that will contribute to safe, productive and efficient operations
  • Find out how AIM can more effectively contribute to cost control in a period of softening oil prices
  • Explore the increasing importance of human factors and knowledge transfer in evolving AIM strategies
  • Hear current case studies from operators, contractors and service providers on key aspects of developing a dynamic and integrated AIM programme to embed safety, reliability and efficiency
  • Compare emerging corrosion, coatings and NDT technologies and other solutions to protect and extend the lifecycle of the assets you’re responsible for
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